star plastice surgery articles

  1. naija questions

    General Health A Month Before a Heart Attack, Your Body Will Warn You With These 8 Signals – Star Plastic Surgery

    Prevention is better than cure. This simple rule applies to any disease and is especially valuable when symptoms are not properly acknowledged. We will describe crucial symptoms that might occur one month (or even earlier) before a heart attack. You don’t need to become a total hypochondriac...
  2. naija questions

    General Health A Month Before Stroke, Your Body Will Warn You With These 10 Signals – Star Plastic Surgery

    A stroke occurs when blood flow to an area of the brain is suddenly cut off. The brain cells get deprived of oxygen and begin to die quickly. Having a stroke is a scary thought, but you can be mindful of your health to reduce the chances of … Read more via Star Plastic Surgery Before and...