webmd health

  1. naija questions

    General Health As You Age, Alcohol May Be Harder to Handle – WebMD Health

    (HealthDay News) — Seniors may be more vulnerable to alcoholism, a psychologist warns. “As we age, it takes longer for the body to break down alcohol. It stays in the system longer. Tolerance also decreases. Excessive drinking can compromise your immune system and can lead … Read more via...
  2. naija questions

    General Health Antibiotics May Cure Appendicitis Without Surgery – WebMD Health

    (HealthDay News) — If you’re suffering from acute appendicitis, you might be successfully treated with antibiotics and never need an operation to remove your appendix, Finnish researchers report. Most appendicitis cases are uncomplicated, which simply means the organ hasn’t ruptured, so they can...
  3. naija questions

    General Health Contact Lenses May Harbor Serious, Blinding Infection – WebMD Health

    (HealthDay News) — Contact lens wearers everywhere need to be on the lookout for a rare, but potentially blinding, eye infection, British researchers warn. In southeast England, cases of the infection, called Acanthamoeba keratitis, have tripled since 2011, a new study found. The illness is …...
  4. naija questions

    General Health Her Dog Kept Sniffing a Bump on Her Nose. It Was Cancer – WebMD Health

    You’ve heard of dogs sniffing out hidden drugs, explosives, or missing people. Can some of our four-legged friends spot cancer by its scent, too? Lauren Gauthier had a small, pimple-like bump on her nostril. She didn’t think much of it at first, but her dog Victoria … Read more via WebMD...
  5. naija questions

    General Health Heavy Drinking Could Raise Your Gum Disease Risk – WebMD Health

    It’s not clear, however, what to make of the findings, according to one expert who was not involved in the research. The findings do not prove that alcohol, per se, explains the differences among study participants, said Yiping Han, a professor in dental medicine and microbiology at … Read...
  6. naija questions

    When Does Online Gaming Become an Addiction? – WebMD Health

    For most, playing online video games is largely a harmless hobby. But a new review finds that some fall prey to what experts call “internet gaming disorder.” The concept that gaming could become an addiction first gained traction in 2013 when the … Read more via WebMD Health...