10 Ways Porn Addiction Is Ruining Your Sexual Life And Relationship



With the advent of smart phones, cheap data plan, fast internet streaming and download time, millions of people now have unlimited access to pornographic materials. Currently, studies have shown that more than 50% of traffic generated is towards pornographic sites. It is shocking to note that porn addiction is on the increase and it slowly ruins your health, sexual life, family career and emotional stability.

Before I show you how porn addiction affects your health, I will like to define the term ‘Porn Addiction’. Porn Addiction is the repetitive and compulsive use of pornographic materials in terms of movies and pictures; and such usage affects the physical, emotional, mental, social and psychological well being of such individual. Although not an accepted diagnosis because of the lack of sufficient scientific evidence, many doctors, scientist, psychologist and sex therapist have come to one conclusion: ‘Porn addiction is harmful to the body’. It affects the brain and becomes an issue of concern when it affects your relationship with others.

Dopamine is a neurotransmitter released by the brain. It controls sexual gratification, arousal, cognition and motor control. It is also implicated as a neurotransmitter involved in addiction. Prolong exposure to pornographic contents stimulates the release of dopamine by the brain cells. This then stimulates addiction, initial burst of arousal and sexual gratification. But with further exposure, tolerance is established and a higher dose or a more explicit porn content is needed to exert the same effect. As this builds up, various effects associated with porn addiction begins to manifest. Porn may seem harmless and fun initially, but it is slowly ruining your health just like a time bomb waiting to explode.

Porn increase the risk of erectile dysfunction and loss of libido

At the initial stage, porn is fun; it helps relief stress and tension but with the continuous usage of pornographic material, one gets indulged in it and can only be satisfied sexually by viewing such contents. Numerous scientific studies have shown that men who over indulge in pornography experience erectile dysfunction and for them to be aroused when with their partner, they will need explicit pornographic contents. Because of this constant exposure and sexual stimulation by pornographic materials, sexual desire centers in their gray matter shrinks hence making sex boring to them and this translates to loss of libido.

Porn causes premature ejaculation and immediate sexual gratification

Truth be told, porn addiction can also ruin your health and sexual stamina by causing premature ejaculation and immediate sexual gratification. Burst of porn materials causes sexual excitement, increase chance of self servicing and the release of sexual hormones which leads to sexual ecstasy and orgasm. This cycle decrease sexual stamina and increases the chance of premature ejaculation.

Porn causes depression and social isolation

The time spent on pornographic material may be enormous. I have heard of occasions where an individual watches more than 10 hours of porn at a sitting. This is enough to cause social isolation, poor interaction with peers and depression.

Porn leads to financial burden

You can all agree with me that the cost of purchasing DVDs, magazines, downloading huge sizes of online pornographic contents can eat deep into ones savings. The cost of maintaining porn addiction can be likened to cocaine addiction. Porn addiction makes you subscribe for more online contents because you continuously need a higher load of pornographic content to feed your addiction. Always remember that extra cash that can be channeled into your business, used in paying your bills and for planning a vacation with your family.

Porn addiction increases risk of rape and sexual perversion

Nothing affects the mind and sexual behavior as porn. Studies carried out in sexual offenders shows that most of them over indulged in porn that are related to their sexual offenses. Addiction to a particular class of porn can provoke sexual acts like rape, pedophilia and other sexual perversions. Exposure to pornographic contents has led to an increase in rapes and sexual perversions seen in our society today.

Porn makes you unable to maintain a serious relationship

Relationship with your sexual partner is meant to be fun and full of life. Exposure to porn changes ones perception of women. Porn portrays women as sexual object only meant for sexual gratification. With such mental picture and belief about women, maintaining a healthy and serious relationship becomes impossible.

Porn causes negative self perception

I once remembered when I came across a sexual scene showing a well endowed 12 inch actor. I couldn’t help but to feel depressed because of the size of my manhood. Actors and actresses used in porn have incredible bodies and this may affect self perception and can lead to low self esteem and confidence.

Porn addiction strains your marriage and may lead to divorce

Having sex is more than the routine arousal and orgasm; it creates a unique bond between husbands and wives. The uttermost feeling of love, happiness, and bond it absent in spouses with partners that are addict to porn. Porn addiction makes sexual intercourse emotionless because of constant fantasy about people in the artificial world of porn. Porn addiction can consume your time meant for your spouse and this can strain your marriage and may lead to divorce.

Unfulfilled sexual intercourse

Funny as in may sound; most porn addicts prefer watching pornographic content to the actual act of sex. This is as a result of the neurotransmitters changes that occur in their brain. Loss of libido, low self esteem, fear of premature ejaculation and sexual perception all contributes to an unfulfilling sexual experience with their partner. These can also strain the relationship.

Porn addiction increases the risk of STD and HIV

Sexual perversion, multiple sexual partners and indulging in harmful sexual practice is increase in individuals who are addicted to porn. This increases the risk of contacting STD and HIV.

In conclusion, porn addiction may look like a harmless practice meant to fill the void in our lives, but it is slowly ruining your life, increasing the risk or emotional instability, affecting your sexual life and interaction with others.
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Excellent post. Porn leaves destruction in its wake. Porn addiction has destroyed many wonderful men. The good thing is that the brain can heal and one struggling with porn can find healing no matter how long they have been struggling.
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