6 Amazing Health Benefits of Water



It is readily available and in abundance. The question is how much impact can plain water have on your health? Or is it just as plain on your health as it comes?

First of all, you must understand that our bodies are mostly water. About 60% of the human body is made of water. We lose water from our bodies through different means, including through urine, sweat, and even breathing.

Unfortunately, with more soft drinks in the market, many people are turning away from plain water as their source of hydration.

Optimal Performance

With a loss of as little as 2% of your body water, there is always a relative reduction in performance. This is because several studies have linked dehydration with a reduction in concentration and mood. In addition, dehydration leads to an alteration in temperature control, increase in fatigue, and makes exercising more difficult to endure.

Hydration affects brain function

Your level of hydration has a direct effect on the functioning of your brain. Just mild dehydration can show impairment in some aspects of your brain function. One study showed that a 1.36% fluid loss from exercise not only affected mood and concentration, it also affected memory and increased anxiety.

Water may prevent headaches

Being dehydrated has been found to provoke headaches in some individuals. In other word, water has been shown to have the ability to relieve headaches in some people who are dehydrated. This may not be applicable to all cases, but water can reduce the intensity and duration of headaches in most people.

Water can relieve constipation

Inadequate intake of water has been shown to be a risk factor for constipation. This is why if you are constipated, your doctor will always advise that you stay hydrated always.

Water can help prevent hangovers

If you experience the unpleasant symptoms that come with hangovers, then water can help you prevent it. Alcohol is a form of diuretic that makes you lose water through urine which can then lead to dehydration.

You can reduce the symptoms of a hangover by taking a glass of water between your drinks. You should also take enough water before going to bed.

Water can help you lose weight

If you want to lose weight, then you cannot afford to joke with water intake. Water can help you lose weight in two ways – it boosts metabolic rate and increases satiety.

Drinking just half a litre of water caused an increase in metabolism by as much as 24 – 30% which lasted for one and a half hours according to a particular study. More metabolisms mean your burn more calories.

It has also been proven that taking about half a litre of water before meals helps you eat less, resulting in fewer calories and making it easier for you to lose weight.

To get the benefits of plain water, always make sure it is always around you and you do not have to wait till you are thirsty before you take a drink.

Photo credit: www.thyblackman.com