8 Reasons You May Be Having Premature Ejaculation



According to statistics, 1 in every 3 adult male in the reproductive age group experiences premature ejaculation. This can be frustrating to both sexual partners and it seldom lead to loss of self-esteem/confidence and marital/relationship disharmony. It is defined as when a man reaches sexual orgasm by the ejaculation of semen shortly after penetration of the vagina. It is characterized by rapid ejaculation within few minutes of sexual intercourse, frequent inability to delay ejaculation and both partners feel distressed and frustrated about such occurrence.

It is relatively a very common male sexual disorder and nearly all men have experience such in their life-time. However, it shouldn’t be of concern if it occurs infrequently. For men who satisfy the criteria of premature ejaculation, appropriate and timely medical/sexual care should be sought for. Commonly, both biological and psychological factors play significant roles in premature ejaculation. In this article, we will discuss 8 possible reasons why you may be having premature ejaculation.

1. Emotional and physical Stress

This is the commonest cause of premature ejaculation. Men with emotional stress and instability are more likely to develop premature ejaculation. Also, excessive physical activity, stress, and work can weaken a man’s desire for sex, reduces libido and indirectly leading to the release of neurotransmitters that modulate quick ejaculation.

2. Anxiety about sexual performance/ low self-esteem

Anxiety about sexual performance has a negative effect on sexual function. Nothing destroys a great sexual experience than the fear of disappointing one's partner. Sexual activity is controlled by the nervous system which is divided into two distinct arms. The arm that controls erection is different from the arm that controls ejaculation. Anxiety stimulates the arm of the nervous system that control ejaculation hence one you get anxious during sexual intercourse you are directly stimulating the brain to release neurotransmitters that stimulates ejaculation

3. Relationship disharmony

Occasionally, premature ejaculation occurs when love is lost between partners. Also, poor communication between partners, emotional dissatisfaction, and feeling of hurt or guilt can lead to premature ejaculation in men

4. Low level of male reproductive hormones

The male reproductive hormone known as testosterone is essentially for sexual activity. Men with a reduced level of testosterone experience poor erection and premature ejaculation. Testosterone is produced by specialized cells in the testes by direct stimulation from the brain; hence disorders of the brain or the testes can lead to a low production of testosterone.

5. Diseases of the male genitalia including disorders of the urethra and prostate gland

Infection of the prostate gland and the urethra if poorly treated can increase the sensitivity of the glands. For men with symptoms suggestive of STDs, endeavor to get proper medical attention because of the risk associated with untreated genital tract infection

6. Medical conditions like thyroid disease, heart disease, kidney disease and disorders of the brain affecting the release of neurotransmitters

Studies have shown that men with medical conditions like thyroid, heart and kidney diseases are unable to achieve or sustain an erection. Even if they do, most experience premature ejaculation. These life-threatening medical conditions are severe life stressors impacting negatively on the psychology of the patient. Rarely, premature ejaculation may be the first symptom of an underlying medical condition.

7. Early masturbation and quick ejaculation reinforcement

Although premature ejaculation can occur later in life, men who began masturbating earlier in life with the fear of being caught in the act are more likely to develop premature ejaculation. This act of rapid masturbation and ejaculation gets reinforced in the brain and subconscious of the individual thus his inability to slow his ejaculation for a pleasurable sexual experience. Men suffering from premature ejaculation from this reason are advised to stop masturbation or use the ‘stop and start’ technique which enables them delay ejaculation

8. Excessive alcohol/ tobacco consumption

If you indulge yourself in excess alcohol and tobacco consumption, then you stand a higher chance of developing premature ejaculation. Alcohol and tobacco causes premature ejaculation by inhibiting your voluntary control of the speed you climax destroy nerve cells that control erection and ejaculation, damages the liver, heart and kidneys, reduces the amount of circulating testosterone and inhibits the release of certain neurotransmitters in the brain.
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