Politics Atiku Responds to Blogger who Accused Him of Lying about Buying His Mother a Home at age 14


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When Atiku Abubakar said in a recent interview that he bought his mother a home when he was 14, he probably expected the rest of the world to say, “awww, how sweet and noble of you! At such a young age!” while dabbing their eyes with a napkin. Probably.

However, one particular political commentator and blogger didn’t get sentimental feelings from Atiku’s statement. Instead, Kayode Ogundamisi found the statement ridiculous, and probably insulting to his intellect, because he wrote on his Facebook page below:

"I bought my mother a home as a 14-year-old boy"Atiku Abubakar @atiku
(How did we end up with deluded characters as so called LEADERS in Nigeria. That former Vice President Atiku would have Nigerians believe he bought a house for his mother as a minor/child is a clear indication that Nigeria's problem is beyond human understanding.)”

This short outburst naturally drew a number of comments on Facebook. Zainab Ibrahim commented on the page, saying that, “At 14? He was a minor that could not enter a contract, because his age then made it voidable to buy and sell.... Well in Naija where laws are not obeyed, and could be manipulated sometimes, it might be possible.”

Olanrewaju Marcus, in something that may be considered defense of Atiku’s actions said, “It must be a hut; not even a mud house. It costs nothing to own a hut those days - just the energy to clear the land and arrange palm tree leaves perfectly on bamboo poles. Let's believe him. He must have won the landed space on which his mother's hut was built, in a wrestle contest - the same way he won the Onne Free Zone on a jackpot.”

Thomas Atuma lashed at the Kayode Ogundamisi himself, saying: “So because @ogundamisi could not achieve that feat, he thinks others cannot do same. Man, grow up. 14 yrs old kids are now undergraduates.”

However, the most interesting part of this news item lies in the fact that Atiku Abubakar actually replied Ogundamisi on Twitter.

Atiku replied in a barrage of tweets at @ogundamisi: “Dear @Ogundamisi, it’s rather shameful that you would rubbish a person's personal history. But it's true I bought my mother a home as a teen. At 14 @ogundamisi, I was working as a clerk for Mallam Adamu Ciroma, the DO in the Ganye Native Authority. It was a temp holiday job. The house was a thatched, mud bungalow, with two rooms, a kitchen and bathroom. It cost £9, saved from my £3/m earnings. In those days, secondary students in long vacations took jobs temp jobs for experience & some money, before returning to school. Most kids my age bought shirts and shoes - but my mother was homeless, @ogundamisi. So I saved and I bought that home for her. Yes, @ogundamisi, it is possible for people from a humble background to accomplish great things, even as teenagers, believe it or not.”

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>Dear <a href="https://twitter.com/ogundamisi">@Ogundamisi</a>, its rather shameful that you would rubbish a person&#39;s personal history. But it&#39;s true I bought my mother a home as a teen</p>&mdash; Atiku Abubakar (@atiku) <a href="">September 17, 2013</a></blockquote>
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As Lewis Caroll would say, it is “Curiouser and curiouser.”
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If Ogundamisi had proof to the contrary, I would have taken him seriously. The fact that at 14, he could not have thought of achieving that feat (maybe, because he was too rich to notice other people's needs) does not mean others could not. Children of very poor parents tend to do a lot at an early age to lift their families up.
If Ogundamisi had proof to the contrary, I would have taken him seriously. The fact that at 14, he could not have thought of achieving that feat (maybe, because he was too rich to notice other people's needs) does not mean others could not. Children of very poor parents tend to do a lot at an early age to lift their families up.
You're totally right
The matter sounds doubtful and ogundamisi expressed his doubts. It's one man's word against the other.
IMO, let the witnesses step forward please.