Culture - Life & Styles In Mexico


Mexico is a country with a large population located in the continent/region of North America and its capital Mexico City. It is very exciting to be in Mexico especially during Mexican national holidays because all in Mexico during that period will be dancing, singing, smiling and celebrations. What is really striking is that even though its history has been challenging, Mexican traditions are colorful and joyful as Mexicans themselves.


Mexican Dance.

Even if you do not know anything about the Mexican traditional culture, you must definitely know something about Mexican foods. This is because Mexican foods are very popular around the world due to its tradition, great taste, healthy ingredients, and numerous spices and flavors. Traditional Mexican foods are low on fat and calories but at the same time very rich in vitamins and minerals. Mexican foods are very good for you which is why you should explore the traditional Mexican cuisine.
A very important and profound part of Mexican culture is Mexican sayings. Many things can be learned about Mexican people from Mexican proverbs and sayings. For instance "El muerto al pozo y el vivo al gozo" ---" To the dead internment and to the living enjoyment". This literally means to stop mourning the dead and keep on living. Also to stop dwelling on the bad things in life and focus on all good things that God has given you. Count your blessings.


Mexican Food.

Aside from the healthy and tasty foods and Mexican sayings, Mexico is famous for its colorful, comfortable, beautiful, macho, and practical traditional clothing. Some of the most popular traditional Mexican clothes are; the Mexican peasant dress, traditional Mexican wedding dress, Mexican peasant blouse, Rebozo, Sombrero, Mexican Baja Jacket, Poncho, Huarache etc. Traditional Mexican clothes have been and are still the inspiration to the modern Mexican and the world clothing designers. The result of this is the very high popularity of the traditional---modern Mexican clothing in the world. So much so that there is a very big chance that you have a piece of clothing in your closet that is actually Mexican.


Mexican Traditional Attire.

Traditional Mexican weddings are a beautiful display of traditional Mexican culture, beliefs and customs. One of the most interesting wedding traditions is called the 13 Gold Coins. On the wedding day at the end of the wedding ceremony, the groom gives the bride 13 gold coins which represent all of his material belonging. By giving her this small fortune, he is showing her his unconditional trust and love.In return, by accepting the 13 gold coins, the bride is promising to take a good care of her beloved husband and his belonging. This Mexican wedding tradition is underlining how much trust and honesty is important in marriage and that even though love is necessary for the fulfilling marriage, it is not enough.


Mexican Traditional Wedding.

Mexicans are religious people and devoted to God and family. One interesting thing about Mexican religion is that since the constitution of 1917, Mexico has no official religion even though close to 95% of Mexicans are Christian. The importance of Christianity in Mexican culture is represented by the fact that the image of the Virgin Guadalupe ( Our Lady of Guadalupe appeared in 1531 Ad in today's Mexico City) was the first Mexican flag and has an important role in the present flag of Mexico. The influence of Christianity in Mexico can also be seen through Mexican art in all forms. From Mexican paintings and poetry to Mexican architecture designs and Mexican tattoos.


A Mexican Church.

Tattoos are very important in Mexico due to the fact that it has been a part of the traditional Mexican culture for very long time. An interesting thing is that Mexican gangs use the religious symbols very often as their signature tattoos as well as the symbol of the Aztec religion and achievements like the Aztec calendar. Aside the Mexican gang tattoos, other tattoos include the names of loved ones, Mexican pride tattoos, Mexican religious (not gang related) tattoos, and so on.
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