Pneumonia: 15 Symptoms Every Nigerian Should Know



Pneumonia is an infection of the lungs that is caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi, or parasites. It is characterized primarily by inflammation of the alveoli in the lungs or by alveoli that are filled with fluid (alveoli are microscopic sacs in the lungs that absorb oxygen). Pneumonia symptoms can vary from mild to severe, depending on the type of pneumonia you have, your age and health. The most common symptoms of pneumonia are:

1. Cough (with some pneumonias you may cough up greenish or yellow mucus, or even bloody mucus)

2. Rusty or green mucus (sputum) coughed up from lungs

3. Fever

4. Fast breathing and shortness of breath which may only occur when you climb stairs

5. Shaking chills

6. Chest pain that usually worsens when taking a deep breath (pleuritic pain)

7. Rapid heartbeat

8. Loss of appetite, fatigue and feeling very weak

9. Nausea and vomiting

10. Diarrhea

11. Excessive sweating and clammy skin

12. Headache

13. Muscle pain

14. Confusion or delirium, especially in older people

15. Dusky or purplish skin color (cyanosis) from poorly oxygenated blood.

READ: Pneumonia: Causes And What Puts Your Life At Risk

PS: This information put together as a guide are culled from health-related articles on websites, journals, and videos.