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Image Credit: European Commission

Sweden officially became the 32nd member of NATO on March 7, marking a significant departure from its long-standing policy of neutrality. Swedish Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson handed over treaty accession documents to the US State Department, concluding months of diplomatic efforts for approval from existing NATO members.

The move follows concerns about Russian aggression, particularly in the context of the invasion of Ukraine. Finland, Sweden's Nordic neighbor, also heightened its alert status due to the proximity of Russian threats.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken acknowledged the historic shift in Sweden's policy, emphasizing the changed geopolitical landscape since Russia's actions in Ukraine.

UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak welcomed the decision, emphasizing shared values and commitment to international security. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky expressed gratitude, seeing Sweden as a strong ally. Sweden's NATO membership is expected to strengthen the alliance, and Kristersson pledged unity, solidarity, and adherence to NATO values.

The development will be a focal point at NATO's upcoming 75th-anniversary summit in Washington, DC, scheduled for July.