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Actress Doris Simeon, known for her captivating roles in Yoruba films during the 2000s, recently disclosed her personal journey to America in an interview with actor Kunle Afod.

Simeon attributed her relocation six years ago to her desire to be closer to her son and his father, filmmaker Daniel Ademinokan, who had moved to the United States after their divorce. Despite settling in the US, Simeon expressed nostalgia for Nigeria, especially its cuisine and the warmth of family and friends. She plans to visit Nigeria within the next one to two years.

Simeon recounted the challenges she faced in obtaining her visa, including multiple denials and last-minute mishaps. Since moving to America permanently in 2018, Simeon has embraced various jobs, including work as a hairdresser and involvement in youth care programs. Despite the difficulties of starting afresh, Simeon remains resilient, citing the necessity of hard work to sustain oneself in the US.

Her journey reflects the sacrifices and perseverance required in pursuit of a better life abroad.