Metro Nigeria: Edo N-Power Teachers Salaries Unpaid for 3 Months



Teachers employed under the Buhari Administration's N-Power scheme in Edo state staged a peaceful protest over the non-payment of their salaries for 3 months on Monday.

The protesters stormed the secretariat of the Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ) in Benin, armed with placards with various inscriptions.

Spokesman of the group, Isaiah Okpako, said other beneficiaries of the scheme in 17 local government of the state have been paid except those in Egor.

"We were verified last December and posted to various schools. Our counterparts in other local government areas have been paid but we were not paid.

"Why is that only Egor was left out? We are here for the media to help us send our message and our plights to the appropriate authorities." he said

Responding, N-Power coordinator in the state, Rev. Samuel Uhunmwagho said the payment for Edo State was still ongoing. He urged them to be patient till the end of March.


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