Politics Obasanjo's Coup Against Abacha in 1995 was Real- Ex COAS Bamaiyi



Lt. Ishaya Bamaiyi, the former Chief of Army Staff under the Sani Abacha administration says ex President Olusegyn Obasanjo was among those who plotted a coup against Abacha.

He said this in his book titled Vindication of a General.

According to him, Obasanjo, a former Chief of Staff Supreme Headquarters and others were involved in the coup plot against the late Abacha in 1995.

“Interestingly, the 1995 coup, which, either out of ignorance or for political reasons, has been termed ‘phantom’ by the actual players highlights the challenge of lack of honour and integrity among highly-placed officers because of naked pursuit of power.

“Despite spirited denial by these key officers, some of them will always tell the truth, including Col. Lawal Gwadabe and Col. Bello Fadile, whose recordings cannot be denied.

“I want to state clearly and without fear of contradiction that the 1995 coup in which Gen. Olusegun Obasanjo was convicted was real.

“I am glad that Gen. Mujakpero, who investigated the coup, stood his ground in asserting that it really happened.

“Gen. PN Aziza carried out his duties by trying and convicting Gen. Obasanjo, and has clearly stated that if he retried that case, he would still convict Obasanjo.

“I know the coup was real and was reported to Gen. AZ Kazir when he was GOC 1 Mechanised DIV, but he did nothing about it until he was appointed COAS.

He also said the botched 1997 coup allegedly led by a former Chief of General Staff, Gen. Oladipo Diya against Abacha was real.

He said Diya made $60,000 and N2million cash available for the feeding of soldiers during the coup against Abacha.

He said the plan was to “blow up” Abacha’s car at a function in Sheraton Hotel, Abuja with an RGP-7.


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