Politics Senator Ben Murray-Bruce Drops Another Bombshell

Yes they did but it has never been this much or should I say that the previous administration was more tolerant about freedom of speech. So it was never an issue.
Yes they did but it has never been this much or should I say that the previous administration was more tolerant about freedom of speech. So it was never an issue.
Yes they did but it has never been this much or should I say that the previous administration was more tolerant about freedom of speech. So it was never an issue.
The rate at which you throw out the words " freedom of speech " is too much to ignore.
First I will like to let you know that in Nigeria, those words are grossly misinterpreted.
Need I remind you that am a fan of freedom of speech and I was against the social media gag bill.
We threaten, insult and even blaspheme all in the name of freedom of speech, maybe you haven't been around the social media long enough to see disgusting things but I on the other hand have seen things that life makes the prospect of hell looks like Disney land.
Critics of criticism is allowed but not on false grounds or narcissistic behavior. We all have different ways of seeing and solving a problem. Some of us may not even know a particular problem exist and will continue to live in a good condition.