Politics [VIDEO] AGF Letter to us on Hameed Ali is an Insult- Dino Melaye Explodes



Senator Dino Melaye has condemned the Presidency over the letter AGF Abubakar Malami sent to the senate urging it to suspend the summon of Nigeria Customs Boss Hameed Ali.

According to him, it is an insult to the senate.

"Can a court process stall any arm of government from carrying out our constitutionally stipulated responsibility?"

"What we heard from the AGF is an insult on the institution of the senate. I ask again, where did the AGF derive his power from to authorize, direct or suggest to the senate how to carry out" our duties?

"What we have is not a court injunction, it's not a court order, it's a court process,".."and you want us to abandon our constitutional responsibility.

"Mr., President, the integrity and the independence of legislature is again on the line."



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