cancer in women

  1. naija questions

    General Health 5 Signs That Could Mean Ovarian Cancer–Early Stages Are Hard to Detect, Here’s How –

    Every year, roughly 21,000 people in the United States and 295,000 people worldwide are diagnosed with ovarian cancer. It’s the eighth-most common cancer for women globally, making up just under 4 percent of all cancer cases diagnosed in 2018. When diagnosed in the early stages, the chances of...
  2. naija questions

    General Health Calories, Carbs, Fat, Fiber: Unraveling The Links Between Breast Cancer And Diet –

    "A Low-Fat Diet Helps Reduce The Risk of Death From Breast Cancer." Did a headline like this catch your eye this week? Dozens of news organizations, including NPR, reported on a new study that found that a low-fat diet helped women reduce their risk of dying from breast cancer...... Read...
  3. naija questions

    General Health Five Common Cancers Affecting Women – The Guardian Nigeria News

    For decades, infectious diseases led the way in the number of deaths caused by ill-health, especially in less developed countries like Nigeria. These infectious diseases have been contained in recent years because of advances in medicine and safer practices in agriculture and … Read more via...