church controversy

  1. Nigerians Outraged by Viral Video Alleging Pastor from Congo Sucking Congregant's Breast, Claiming to Cure Breast Cancer

    Africa Nigerians Outraged by Viral Video Alleging Pastor from Congo Sucking Congregant's Breast, Claiming to Cure Breast Cancer

    A viral video circulating on social media allegedly shows a pastor from Congo sucking a congregant's breast in an apparent attempt to cure breast cancer. Nigerians have expressed disgust and outrage at the video, with many condemning the act as blasphemous and inappropriate for a religious...
  2. Pope Francis Unapologetic About LGBT Blessings, Points Out Hypocrisy of Critics

    Europe Pope Francis Unapologetic About LGBT Blessings, Points Out Hypocrisy of Critics

    In a bold and possibly his most assertive defense yet, Pope Francis addressed the criticism surrounding his decision to permit priests to bless same-sex couples. The move, authorized by the Vatican document Fiducia Supplicans, has encountered significant resistance within the Catholic Church...