huffpost uk articles

  1. naija questions

    General Health Liver Cancer Deaths Reach Record High – What’s Behind The Rise? – HuffPost UK

    The number of people dying from liver cancer has increased by around 50% in the last decade and tripled since records began, according to Cancer Research UK. New mortality data shows there were 5,700 deaths from liver cancer in 2017 in the … Read more via HuffPost UK
  2. naija questions

    Family Health How To Set A Good Example To Your Kids On Social Media – HuffPost UK

    Your habits could be copied by your children. Spend hours scrolling on Twitter when you should be helping kids with their homework? Waste time taking photos and uploading them to Facebook rather than enjoying the moment with your family? It’s safe to say you’re not alone, but these habits could...
  3. naija questions

    Sexual Health 7 Things Sex Educators Wish You’d Teach Your Kids Sooner Rather Than Later – HuffPost UK

    Sure, sex educators are good at breaking down complicated, potentially awkward facts about sex into lessons school-aged kids can understand, but they can’t be responsible for everything. Even if your kids are lucky enough to be in a school district that offers a relatively comprehensive program...
  4. naija questions

    General Health Four (More) Things You Will Regret On Your Deathbed – HuffPost UK

    Spending time with people whose end is imminent is a haunting experience that represents an entangled symphony of emotions. Conversations with the dying are never easy, partly because you see yourself in their position, and partly because they tend to veer into the illusive realm … Read more...
  5. naija questions

    General Health Why Are People In The World’s Most Anti-Gay Countries Searching For So Much Gay Porn? – HuffPost UK

    Nigeria and Pakistan are two of the planet’s most anti-gay countries, so why are residents of both nations searching for so much gay porn? As eagle-eyed Alex Park pointed out in a recent Mother Jones post, Pakistan is, according to Google Trends, "by volume the world leader for Google …...