World Colombian President Wets himself during Election Speech



Daily Mail reported that fresh fears have risen over Colombian president's,Juan Manuel Santos,health after he appeared to wet himself during election speech.

Read story as written by DAILY MAIL

Questions about Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos' health have been raised after he appeared to wet himself during an election speech.

The 62-year-old was giving a talk to supporters in the coastal city of Barranquilla when a dark patch appeared across the politician's beige trousers.

Santos, who underwent surgery for prostate cancer in 2012, did not stop the speech.

Doctors gave him a 97 per cent chance of beating the disease after removing a prostate tumour.
Upon leaving the hospital, Santos spoke to reporters and said the tumor had not metastasized.

President Santos, a graduate of both the London School of Economic and Harvard, was elected president in 2010.

The video of the the Liberal-Conservative, who is hoping to retain power when Colombia goes to the polls on May 25, has now gone viral.

Click here to watch video

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LOL. Moment of embarassment. I know he wished the ground woulda just opened up and swallowed him. LOL.