Metro Gunmen Kidnap Lagos Monarch, Oniba of Ibaland, Shoot Wife, Kill Guard



Gunmen have kidnapped the monarch of Iba Local Council Development Area, Lagos, Kabiyesi Yushau Goriola Oseni on Saturday, killed his guard and shot his wife, PM News reports.

Shooting sporadically, the gunmen stormed the monarch’s palace at Iba area of Lagos, Southwest Nigeria around 11:30pm on Saturday in a speedboat and forcefully took the monarch away and escaped through the waterways.

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They were said to have been about 16 in number. Palace source said the gunmen killed Oseni’s guard, a motorcyclist and then shot his wife before escaping with the monarch.

Also gathered that residents had initially attempted to stop the gunmen but scampered for safety when the gunshots became unbearable.

When contacted around 12.44am, Police Public Relations Officer, Dolapo Badmus said she was not aware of the kidnap, but that she would confirm the incident.

PM News