Politics INEC: Presidency Blames Opposition For Rumours of Jega’s Removal



The Presidency has unofficially debunked rumours of plans to remove Prof Attahiru Jega, Chairman of the Independent National Electoral Commission, INEC.

According to VANGUARD, a statement issued by an unnamed official in the Presidency said there was no plan to remove Jega.

The unnamed source said,’’ the rumoured sack of Jega is not from the Presidency, but part of the propaganda by the opposition to soil the good name of the President, to discredit the government and cause trouble’’.

‘’The laws are clear about the question of leaving or not leaving and government has nothing to do with that. The man has a job to do and please allow him to do the job without dragging government into it and the man working under the rule of law.

“This is the government that has been obeying the rule of law and is not going to abandon its adherence to it. Please, they should allow Professor Jega to do his work and stop heating up the polity’’, the source added.

#Jega #Vanguard #INEC
