Morocco 'kiss' teens acquitted with reprimand -news24



A Moroccan court on Friday acquitted three teenagers accused of public indecency after pictures of two of them kissing were posted on Facebook, but reprimanded the couple, their lawyer told AFP.

The teens had risked possible prison sentences of five years under the kingdom's penal code, in a case that drew strong criticism from international rights groups and sparked a storm of online protest in socially conservative Morocco.

Click source for more details: news24

Those kids got lucky.

But why would you circulate a pix of you kissing someone on the internet? -esp when you know it's against your country's law?
I think the social media and international attention this case drew led the court to soften its verdict on them. If they had gone to jail (for five years at that), Morocco wouldn't have heard the end of it from us "lax" citizens of "free" nations.