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In response to recent allegations of misinformation regarding Maersk's purported $600 million investment in Nigeria, the Nigerian government's media has shared a video of a meeting they claim took place in February. The government asserts that this video depicts a recent meeting with Maersk where the company promised a substantial investment. However, members of the X app community have swiftly debunked these claims, labeling the video as misleading and false.

The video shared by the government's media purportedly shows a meeting between Nigerian officials and representatives from Maersk, wherein the company pledges a $600 million investment in Nigeria. However, upon closer examination, members of the X app community have noted discrepancies in the video's content and context, casting doubt on the authenticity of the government's claims.

Nigerians on social media platforms have expressed skepticism and disbelief in response to the government's assertions. Many users question the video's credibility and raise concerns about the potential spread of misinformation by government-affiliated media outlets. Some users have called into question the authenticity of the video, urging caution and critical scrutiny of the government's claims.

Additionally, users have expressed frustration and dismay over the situation, calling for an end to what they perceive as madness and urging greater accountability and transparency in government communications.