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Governor Dikko Radda of Katsina State has called for reforms to allow civilians to purchase firearms for self-protection, similar to how bandits have access to weapons. He made this statement during a media chat in Abuja, stressing that people should be able to defend themselves when criminals possess firearms.

Radda expressed the need to balance this approach, emphasizing that citizens have the numbers, zeal, and determination to protect themselves. He cited the example of the Civilian Joint Task Force (CJTF) in Borno, who are supported by the police and the military when going on missions.

The governor advocated for reforms within the federal government to enable legal firearm ownership for self-defense. He pointed out the irony that bandits can acquire weapons illegally while law-abiding citizens should have the right to legally possess firearms for protection.

Governor Radda firmly maintained his position on not negotiating with bandits but mentioned that if they voluntarily surrender their arms, reintegration into society might be considered. However, he was resolute in his stance against begging bandits to negotiate