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A video circulating on social media platform X has sparked a flurry of reactions from Nigerians, particularly regarding the younger generation's apparent lack of awareness about renowned Nigerian literary figure Wole Soyinka. In the video, purportedly depicting a group of Gen Z individuals, both boys and girls, fail to recognize or correctly identify Wole Soyinka.

Nigerian netizens took to social media to express their thoughts on the matter. Some expressed astonishment and concern, while others found humor in the situation. For instance, Sawyerr expressed gratitude that even his nine-year-old child would have outperformed the adults featured in the video at such a basic quiz. Samuel Odiase boasted about his confidence in his ability to outshine the participants, suggesting that Gen Z kids possess a distinct mindset. Wale Gates expressed disbelief at the lack of recognition of Wole Soyinka, sarcastically questioning if he is being referred to as "guy," and humorously deflecting blame to an older generation for the oversight.

Eddie Madaki labeled the situation as "very concerning," indicating a sense of worry about the apparent gap in knowledge. 🇳🇬SAA🇳🇬 reflected on the reluctance to share the video initially and drew a parallel to a time when historical figures might become forgotten, likening it to the story of Pharaoh and Moses. Inegbenose Osoba expressed disbelief, suggesting skepticism regarding the authenticity of the video.

Xashidi responded with laughter emojis, possibly indicating a mixture of surprise and amusement at the situation. Taiwo O Egunjobi responded with a puzzled emoji, seemingly indicating confusion or astonishment.

These varied responses highlight the diverse perspectives within the Nigerian online community regarding the importance of cultural and historical awareness among younger generations. The incident serves as a reminder of the ongoing dialogue surrounding education and generational knowledge transfer in contemporary Nigerian society.