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The United Kingdom Home Secretary, James Cleverly, has expressed concerns over the potential exploitation of the UK higher education system by international students who may be using university courses as a cost-effective route to obtain work visas.

Cleverly has called for a review of student visas, questioning whether the graduate visa entitlement, which allows international students to work for two or three years post-graduation, is attracting the "brightest and the best" to the UK. He emphasized the government's commitment to attracting talented students while ensuring the integrity of the graduate route.

Cleverly raised issues regarding the affordability of short courses that grant access to the graduate route, suggesting that some may be exploiting the system for immigration purposes.

This statement has elicited reactions from Nigerians and others on social media, with some criticizing the characterization of educational opportunities as "cheap" and highlighting the significant financial investment required for international students.

Others expressed frustration with what they perceive as discrimination against immigrants and emphasized the economic contributions of international students to the UK.