4 Proven Ways to Reduce Your Belly Fat



People often see the men with flat abs as cool looking and handsome men – men every lady will want to have. They are even sexier if they are ladies and are the delight of every man. Of course they are but that is not all there is to them. They are healthy with healthy hearts (I mean the literal heart and not the romantic one); having a low cholesterol level; unlikely to have Type 2 diabetes, colon cancer, breast cancer and dementia.

This is because the amount of your abdominal fat is an indicator of the amount of fat in your entire body and the more your body fat, the more you are prone to several serious health conditions. This therefore underscores the importance of why you have to reduce your abdominal fat.

Below are 4 of the most important steps you can take in beating your belly fat.


If you are serious about losing your belly fat, then exercise must be in your regular plans. With exercise, you tend to burn more calories, making sure that your belly fat is been used up. The idea here is in being consistent. If you can jog for 20 minutes a day for up to 5 times in a week consistently, then you are on the right track. You can also walk up a hill or use a stationary bike. All these are moderate activities that will raise your heart rate and ensure that you burn your belly fat. Don’t be tempted to quit after a short period because all you have gained could be lost very easily. Consistency is the watchword here.


Your diet is also important. Any diet that helps you lose weight will also help you lose belly fat. You should strongly consider high fibre diet. This is because they have low calorie content and have several other benefits asides weight loss, which are very important for your entire health. Your diet should contain foods such as vegetables, fruits, oatmeal, soya, whole wheat, beans etc. All these are high in fibre and help you lose belly fat. This is because studies upon studies have shown that those that take high fibre diets build up less belly fat compared to those that don’t.


Getting less than 5 hours of sleep in a day has been strongly associated with an increase in belly fat. It is therefore important that you get between 6 to 7 hours of sleep everyday. It doesn’t matter what you do, you must create enough time to sleep. It is also important that you do not oversleep because those that sleep more than 8 hours in a day have likewise been shown to build up more belly fat.

Ease the Stress

If you stay in places like Lagos, then you will understand what stress really is. Getting from one end to the other contending with time and several other people gives enough stress in day than you should get in a month. Even though this stress may be inevitable sometimes, you should always find out sufficient time to relax and hang out with friends every once in a while.

Any of the above steps if taken appropriately can give results themselves in varying capacities, with exercise promising the most. Combine all these steps and you have already set yourself up for success.

Photo Credit: www.webmd.com