5 Important Things You Must Do Before The End of 2016



2016 will fizzle out in the next few hours, and we will be in another year. Oh well, and it is not too late to gather yourself together and put things in perspective and in place before you embrace the new year. We all want to enter the new year with a positive mindset and want to feel excited about what’s coming up for us, but when you enter the new year focused on all the things that didn’t go well the year before, you set yourself up for more disappointment. Be mindful of your mindset, and launch into the new year with a positive mindset, but there are some things you must do before the current year ends. Take a break and consider these simple things:

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Image: Shuttterstock

Celebrate your wins from the past year: Wins are wins, no matter how small. Why dwell so much on your failures in the past year? We often have the tendency to focus on the things that went wrong or the goals we didn’t achieve from the previous year rather than focusing on all our wins. Take out a piece of paper and actually write out a list of all your accomplishments. Each time you think of one, take a moment pause and allow yourself to feel good about that accomplishment. Make sure you include the amazing things that happened for you that you didn’t even plan on achieving this year. Celebrate yourself. Celebrate your wins. You worked for it. You earned it!

Stop Doing Things That Slow You Down: Schedule some time to look back on 2016 and ask yourself: What did I do that I shouldn’t do next year? Most of the time you’re better off thinking about things you should stop doing, rather than trying to add new habits into your routine. For instance, do you prioritize doing something less important to doing something more productive early in the morning? You need to stop doing things that are slowing you down rather than trying to do new things to speed things up.

Stick to one resolution at a time: Quite understandable, everyone has 'New Year Resolutions', but it is very important that you don't tuck yourself into a long list of things you want to improve about yourself, your business or your life. Stick to one resolution at a time; that’s it. Then, review where you’re at every 30 days. If after 30 days or more you’ve stuck to your guns consistently and are on your way to achieving your resolution, feel free to try to stop or add another habit. But never make more than one resolution concurrently.

Break Down Your Goals Into 'Do-able' Bits:
The best goals are framed to be actionable. Resolutions often fail because they’re not broken down into small enough steps. Before you run, you have to start with a step. Avoid making this mistake by breaking down each of your new goals into as many small goals as possible. Ideally, you should have daily, weekly, monthly and quarterly goals, which can keep you on track and will allow you to consistently assess your progress. Don’t just set an annual goal and keep your fingers crossed that you’ll somehow achieve it.

End with the beginning in mind:
If you’re not already ending each day and week by planning out the next one, this is a change you can immediately make that will have a huge impact on your productivity and peace of mind. By ending your day with the planning of the next, you’ll prevent your mind from racing at night, allowing your brain to adequately prepare for what tomorrow holds. You’ll wake up the next day fresher and with a clearer sense of purpose, and will achieve far more than if you’d just awoken with a calendar that looked like a blank slate.