BE WARNED! Sugar Addiction Is A Growing Problem


You are walking through the store one day and see a package of Oreo cookies on the shelf. Thanks to excellent product placement, the Oreos are eye level and exactly where you can see them. You decide to treat yourself and buy the package. Two hours later, the entire package is empty and you definitely did not share any cookies. What happened? Is sugar really that addicting?


According to the Huffington Post, MRI images show that sugar affects the same parts of your brain as cocaine and heroine. In other words, the euphoria you feel when you eat sugar is the same as the effect of these two dangerous and illegal drugs. The anticipation you feel when you are ready to eat sugar is similar to that of illegal drugs, which leads you to crave sugary foods more often.

Sugar Is An Accepted Addiction

The New York Daily News tells us that the average American eats 152 pounds of sugar in one year. As American foods and American eating habits start to take hold in Nigeria and other parts of the world, sugar is starting to become a global problem. Nigeria is known for its sugar production, but it is also starting to become known for its sugar consumption as well.

To put sugar consumption into perspective, Livestrong indicates that 152 pounds of sugar per year is 10 times more sugar than should be consumed by one human being. The problem is that sugar is being turned into an additive that is being put into all kinds of foods all over the world. Just like salt, people around the world are consuming more sugar than they should, and they don't even realize it.

The Effects Of Cocaine And Heroine

The long-term effects of consuming too much sugar include obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease and possibly death. While that sounds awful, it is not the same type of death sentence people on heroine and cocaine are subjected to. According to the Huffington Post, the mortality rate among people who take cocaine and heroine is nearly 15 times higher than the rest of the world's population. That means that people who take cocaine or heroine are 15 times more likely to die from their addiction than people who are addicted to sugar.

It also needs to be noted that one bad dose of heroine or cocaine can kill an individual instantly. Theinternational statistics on drug overdoses can be alarming. In 2011, nearly five people every hour died from some sort of drug overdose in the United States. In the UK, drug overdoses killed more people than automobile accidents in 2012, and Australians lost four people per day to drug-related deaths in that same year.

The Bottom Line

Is sugar addition more dangerous than heroine or cocaine? When you consider the ability for an illegal drug like heroine or cocaine to kill a person almost instantly, then it has to be said that doing illegal drugs is far more dangerous than consuming sugar. But that does not mean to downplay the growing issue of obesity the world is facing thanks to a growing sugar addiction.

Thanks to the ways that many of our processed foods are made, it is getting difficult to monitor our sugar consumption. You could be addicted to sugar right now and not even realize it. Over the very long term, sugar addiction can lead to health problems that will shorten lifespans and degrade the quality of life. Right now, the decision to stop eating sugar is up to all of us. The problem is, the odds are stacked against us.