Sports Enyeama will have a test to determine if he would be in goal against Congo

Super Eagles goalkeeper Vincent Enyeama is in a race against time to be fit to be goal for Nigeria against Congo on Saturday.

Nigeria will this weekend face Congo in Pointe Noire in the first of the two matches of the 2015 African Nations Cup qualifiers, with the Super Eagles needing to win both matches if they hope to make it to next year's tournament.

Enyeama who was the last to arrive camp, alongside Ikechukwu Uche, will have a test to determine if he is fully fit as there are concerns over his right shoulder.

“I cannot say now if Vincent would be in between the posts for the game against Congo this weekend,” Super Eagles goalkeeper trainer Ike Shorumnu was quoted as saying on Vanguard Sports.

"Vincent has a slight right shoulder injury which he sustained while in action in his club. But he has seen the team doctors who have communicated to me that it’s not too serious. So during training I would confirm if it’s good or not and that would determine whether or not he would be in goal for the game,” he added.


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