Politics Kogi: Gov Bello Under Intense Pressure to Resign or be Impeached



A faction of the Kogi state chapter of the APC has demanded the resignation of Kogi state governor Yahaya Bello over allegations he has more than one voters card.

APC leaders in the state also threatened to mobilise the state’s House of Assembly to impeach the governor should he refuse to resign.

At a press conference in Abuja on Friday, the Chairman of the APC faction in Kogi, Hadi Ameto; and lawmaker representing Kogi-West Senatorial District, Senator Dino Melaye, strongly condemned the governor for the alleged act.

“Yesterday, INEC made an official press release to say that Governor Yaya Bello of Kogi State registered in 2011 for his voter card in Wuse Zone 4 (Abuja) and on Tuesday, he did a second registration in the Government House in Lokoja (Kogi)," Dino Melaye said, calling the act a crime.

“This criminal behaviour of the governor has embarrassed the people of Kogi State and the APC. We dissociate ourselves from this criminal behaviour. Kogi people are responsible people and we are expected to have a responsible governor.

“This has underscored the fact that as of the time he was contesting in the election, he was not a registered voter in Kogi State. If he was not a registered voter ab initio, why did he accept the candidacy of the party?

“On this note, we are calling for the immediate resignation of the governor because someone awaiting trial cannot be representing the people of Kogi State as governor. But if the governor refuses to resign, we are going to mobilise our members in the House of Assembly to start an impeachment process against the governor because we have a valid point as expressed by INEC.”


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E don hapun. Leaders disobeying laws that keep them in power. It is a pity, I really feel for yahaya bello. That is what you get when you surround yourself with bad advisers and when you lack sense of reason on your own or when you believe, power has kept you above the law.