The Irresponsible Nigeria Police Force, The Problem of Nigeria's Democracy - Ikenna Egejuru



Ikenna Egejuru, a Nigerian youth has written on the scourge of Nigeria Police in the society today. He explained how the Police, who are supposed to be law enforcement agents have become exploitative, divisive, and dangerous instrument.

Scholars have attributed the problem to over politicization of all spheres of the Nigeria state. They fail to pick out the one instrument of democratic process. That's the police. The police is the life of democracy. They are instrumental in the democratic process through upholding democratic principles embedded in the rule of law.

Here, I establish the symbiotic relationship between the police and law. A situation where the police allow itself to be used by politicians to kill and maim the same people it was establish to protect. A situation where you go to the police station to lodge a complaint and you are charged #2000 for stationary and #2000 and above depending the location of the incident for invite or arrest.

People spend as much as #20,000 to #500,000 just to get justice in the police stations, area commands, zonal commands and state headquarters. Because if you don't pay they won't act on your case. A situation whereby during recruitment, the Asp cadres and Inspector cadres are shared among the children of serving commissioners of police and the inspector generals of police.

While constable, rank and file is left for over 50 million ordinary Nigeria children to scramble for doesn't go well for democracy. These commissioners and Inspector generals, I advise you, the Nigeria Police Force is not a job but a call to serve. Why enlist your children to earn fat salaries and allowances at the expense of the protection of lives and properties of Nigerians. Because I know your children in the force don't carry arms to guard the highways under the rain and in the sun. They are the ones sent to the UN, abroad for different courses, after all these abroad courses with fat allowances allocated to it they come back and make no difference in the fighting terrain or in policing democracy, they are the ones that sit in big offices and give orders till they retire.

I have a vision of a Nigeria Police Force that is loved and respected by all. This can only happen when people are not made to pay through their nose to get justice in police stations, when Nigerians are not embarrassed on a daily bases by the same police that are suppose to be their friend, because today we now have laptop police, handset police, bag and load police. These officers stop you on the way and force you to enter your code, they open your phone and laptop, browse through it, just looking for something to extort money from you. Yearly millions of naira is spent on the advert POLICE IS YOUR FRIEND while the character of the officers is contrary to the main essence of the advert.

Ikenna Egejuru wrote from Lagos.