Metro 5 Good Questions Nigerians want Obama to Answer as Buhari Visits US



Here are 5 good questions Nigerians are asking about President Muhammadu Buhari's visit to the US – and which Nigerian and American officials must not gloss over as they interact during this visit for America to show that Nigeria – Africa’s largest democracy and the world’s sixth largest democracy – is worth more than a dime in its books.

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  • Why, indeed, did President Barrack Obama simply not include a visit to Nigeria in his trip to Africa rather than inviting President Buhari to America?
  • Former President Goodluck Jonathan had in 2010 also visited the United States of America on the invitation of President Barrack Obama. But, nothing much changed thereafter in the two nations’ relationship. Is this history repeating itself?
  • Will President Barack Obama use this trip to state clearly what his Administration’s policy priorities for Nigeria are?
  • How is America going to help Nigeria fight corruption particularly where it concerns American companies which have colluded with Nigerians to launder money?
  • It would seem that the United States and its allies have made only vows but no action in the fight against Boko Haram. Will Obama use this visit to roll out not only a comprehensive strategy but also an action plan to end the rising insurgency in Nigeria’s north east?
