Metro He is Mentally Unstable – Tunde Agbaje’s ‘Lover’ Finally Responds


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Tunde Agbaje, cousin of a former Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, gubernatorial candidate in Lagos State, Jimi Agbaje hit the news today for trekking from Lagos to Zaria to show love to a lady.

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The lady in question simply identified as Donald has responded to the courageous feat of the 26-year-old Agbaje.

Donald said she knew Agbaje was embarking on the trek, adding that she warned him against it.

She said, “Tunde (Agbaje) has been harassing and stalking me for the past six years and as far as I am concerned, this is just a new escapade in a series of his harassment.

“I met Tunde at a church when I was living in Lagos and we were both part of the youth ministry. He never had a friendship, let alone a relationship, with me. I was in a music group and some of the youths had my phone number, including him.

“He later found out where I lived and came to my house. My mum warned him to leave me alone, but he refused. ‎

“I changed my phone number and moved to the US, but I don’t know how he got my contact. I have stopped picking calls from Nigeria because of him.

“He later called me and said he was going to trek to prove his love for me in a non-violent way and I told him not to do it because he could die. I said that not because I cared, but just for Christian charity. This guy is mentally unstable, because how can you still be stalking a woman who has turned you down for six years?”
Donald you have started, if you think God come to planet earth to show you your real lover, then your expectation will cut off. My kind did advice for you is, accept his proposers. For your information Donald, women don't have actual age for marriage, also women are like pawpaw the best time for you is now.