Business Juliet Anammah Appointed CEO of Jumia Nigeria



Juliet Anammah has been appointed as the head of Jumia Nigeria, Africa Internet Group’s (AIG) biggest company on the continent.

Anammah replaces Co-CEOs Jeremy Doutte and Nicolas Martin, who will run Jumia Global across the 11 African countries in which the group operates.

Anammah was previously a Partner at Accenture and the Managing Director of the firm’s Consumer Goods Practice in Nigeria. Whilst at Accenture she focused on the digital consumer and route to market for consumer goods companies.


Jeremy Hodara, Co-CEO Africa Internet Group had good words about Anammah- she “brings strong leadership capacity and a consumer driven mindset honed from her experience in consumer goods and services," he says.

“My objective is to relentlessly focus on building the Jumia brand, making it the one-stop shopping destination in Nigeria by offering convenience and the widest assortment of quality products at affordable prices," Anammah said concerning her appointment.

"We are building a platform for local and global brands to enter the market at the speed of light by going directly from the factory to the consumers. This is a game changer for Nigeria and a major shift in the way companies look at their market entry strategy," she added.