World Miraculous: Plane Crash Kills All Passengers Except Seven Year Old Girl


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According to the US TV network, a seven year old girl from the United States walked into a Kentucky home, bleeding, and said her plane crashed.

She told the people who opened the door for her that her parents had died in the crash.

Air control reportedly lost contact with the Piper PA-34 plane shortly after the pilot said they were experiencing engine trouble.

30 minutes after the plane lost contact, a Lyon County resident called the police to let them know a girl had walked barefoot into their home.

71-year old Larry Wilkins told the NBC that he opened his door that Friday night and there was a little girl, standing there barefoot, 'bleeding pretty badly.'

“She told me that her mom and her dad were dead, and she was in a plane crash, and the plane was upside down,” he said.

“She asked if she could stay here. I got a wash cloth and cleaned her up. And of course called 911,” he added. “I felt so sorry for her, tears come to my eyes. Brave little girl.”

Source: #NBC