Metro Newborn Twins Dumped in Lagos Canal, Found Dead [GRAPHIC PHOTO]


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The Lagos State Police Command has begun investigation into the death of two newborn babies, whose corpses were recovered from a canal beside a filling station in the Ajangbadi area of the state.

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Punch reports that the two boys, suspected to be twins, were left in the canal on Friday.

A crowd of residents, who were drawn to the scene, was reported to have started taking snapshots of the babies before the arrival of policemen from the Ilemba Hausa division.

After seeing the corpses, the policemen were said to have called the attention of the State Environmental Health Monitoring Unit, which removed and deposited them in a mortuary.

A police source wondered why the residents did not act immediately they saw the babies, adding that the twins were dead by the time the police arrived.

He said, “A resident alerted us to the scene. By the time we got there, the babies were already dead. There was a crowd of onlookers, some of them were taking snapshots. It is probable that the babies were dropped by their mother for reasons best known to her.

When contacted, the Police Public Relations Officer, SP Dolapo Badmos, confirmed the incident, adding that investigation was ongoing.


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