World Viral: With Haircut, 5-Year-Old Boy Breaks Racial Prejudice



The story of two five year old boys of different race is currently receiving a worldwide applause. When Five-year-old Jax demanded a haircut like his school friend Reddy Weldon’s, he thought nothing of it, his mother Lydia Stith Rosebush explained on her Facebook Timeline.

“He just said, ‘I’m getting it cut like Reddy. I’m going to look like Reddy,’” Stith Rosebush told in a phone interview from her home in Louisville, K.Y. on Thursday.

jax and reddy.jpg

Jax’s intention was simple enough: "He thought it would be so hilarious to confuse his teacher with the same haircut," Lydia wrote.

Lydia wrote on her Facebook Timeline:

''This morning Jax and I were discussing his wild hair. I told him that he needed a haircut this weekend. He said that he wanted his head shaved really short so he could look like his friend Reddy. He said he couldn't wait to go to school on Monday with his hair like Reddy's so that his teacher wouldn't be able to tell them apart. He thought it would be so hilarious to confuse his teacher with the same haircut.

Here's a picture of Jax and Reddy from their Christmas program. I'm sure you all see the resemblance.

If this isn't proof that hate and prejudice is something that is taught I don't know what is. The only difference Jax sees in the two of them is their hair. ''


Jax is a little white boy, while Reddy is black.

Lydia, Jax's mother who has 334 friends (as at time of filing this report), has received over 218,000 likes on the post, over 12,000 comments and has over 104,000 shares.

She never thought the post would go viral as it has."This is total insanity!" Lydia told journalists recently "I just made the post because my kid is hilarious and cute. I never anticipated this. It just struck me as funny that Jax doesn't even notice that Reddy is a different color. When he describes Reddy he never mentions it. I thought with all the hate in the world today, we could use this lesson from an almost 5-year-old."

Reddy and his older brother Enock were born in Africa. They were 2 and 4 years old when they were adopted by Kevin Weldon, pastor of Carlisle Avenue Baptist Church in Louisville, and his wife Debbie. The Weldons are white.