WHO Ebola Drug Panel: Use Survivor Serum to Treat Ebola Patients



Following a 2 day consultation meeting in Geneva, the World Health Organization has announced that serums from the blood of #Ebola survivors should be given to patients still sick from the virus in order to boost their immune system and eventually cure them of the disease.

Over 200 health officials, regulators, ethicists, scientists and drug company representatives attended the meeting which was gathered to find treatment solutions to the current #Ebola outbreak in West African countries.

The most immediate action will be taken with convalescent patient serum for treatment and already-planned safety trials for two preventive vaccines, FORBES say.

According to the BBC, studies on the 1995 outbreak of Ebola in Democratic Republic of Congoshowed seven out of eight people survived after being given the therapy.

#Ebola #BBC #WHO #Forbes #WestAfrica #Nigeria


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