Metro Girls in Boko Haram Custody Beg to Become Suicide Bombers - Escapee Reveals



A 16-year-old girl identified as Fati, who regained freedom after spending two years in Boko Haram’s captivity, claims that teenage girls actually beg to go on suicide missions for the terrorists.

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Speaking to CNN, Fati said, the girls were not brainwashed by their captors but because the relentless hunger and sexual abuse became too much to bear.

“They came to us to pick us. They would ask, ‘Who wants to be a suicide bomber?’ The girls would shout, ‘me, me, me.’ They were fighting to do the suicide bombings''.

“It was just because they want to run away from Boko Haram. If they give them a suicide bomb, then maybe they would meet soldiers, tell them, ‘I have a bomb on me’ and they could remove the bomb. They can run away.”